No marriage or relationship is perfect, and no divorce is perfect. Nonetheless, there are ways to make this time of change, emotions and challenges easier on yourself. Even if you and your spouse find yourself with numerous contentious divorce issues, it is possible to productively work with your ex to reach a favorable resolution that is fair to both parties.
While litigation is a mechanism to resolve a contested divorce or address unagreeable divorce or family law issues in Michigan and elsewhere, this is not the only method to deliver a final order. In fact, your divorce does not need to end up in court and could be finalized through alternative dispute resolution methods.
What is ADR?
At Giordano law, PLC, we understand that many are not personally acquainted with alternative dispute resolution, or ADR. Our attorneys understand that it is likely a legal method our clients have not personally experienced. As such, our law firm takes the time to ensure our clients fully understand their options and how ADR might be a good fit when resolving their divorce matters.
In basic terms, ADR includes methods such as negotiation and mediation. While ADR can look different from one divorce to another, an ADR option that our law firm is passionate about is collaborative divorce.
Resolving your divorce with collaborative law
With regards to Collaborative Divorce, the main objective of this process is to settle your divorce out of court by working with your spouse to resolve your disputed issues. However, this process provides more than just litigation avoidance. It allows you to maintain control of the decision-making process, gives you the space to share your needs, wants and concerns, creates privacy and discretion and provides the flexibility to generate a creative resolution.
Often, for a Collaborative Divorce to be successful, spouses need to be willing to work together to come to an agreement. However, if you find yourself unable to work with your spouse on a certain issue, this does not automatically mean ADR won’t work. It is possible that another ADR method might be more suited for your matter. As such, it is important to explore your options and rights with a legal professional, ensuring you are able to make a well-informed decision for your divorce.