It is common for one spouse to earn more money than the other during the marriage. If the marriage ends, it can be difficult for the spouse who earned less money to support themselves now that their spouse’s income is no longer available to them. Spousal support, or...
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Grand Rapids Family Law And Estate Planning Blog
Can I navigate a new stepparent relationship?
Entering a stepparent role can be both rewarding and challenging. It is challenging because you need to balance the needs of your stepchildren, the ex-spouse (and current co-parent) and your new partner. Building a relationship with stepchildren Creating a strong bond...
Factors to consider with a collaborative divorce
Much like the paths that led a couple to marriage, the paths that led them to divorce are unique to the couple. Divorce can happen for many reasons, but when a spouse files for divorce, there are only a few options when it comes to handling the process. Because...
Is my spouse entitled to my investments during divorce?
Navigating the division of assets during a divorce can be complex, especially when it comes to investments. In Michigan, specific laws determine how these assets are divided between spouses. Marital versus separate assets Michigan law differentiates between marital...
Using ADR to reach a final divorce order out of court
Although divorce is often characterized as being a long, expensive, emotional and taxing process, this is not always the reality. While some divorcing spouses might require litigation to work through complex divorce or family law matters, many more can reach a final...
How do Michigan courts decide child custody cases?
Like other states, Michigan courts decide custody cases based on what the judge believes is in the best interests of the child. To put it another way, if anyone is supposed to be a "winner" in a child custody case, it should be the couple’s minor children. The reason...
How social media can impact your Michigan divorce
Social media is now a part of most of our daily lives and serves as a place we can share our thoughts and feelings. When going through an emotional event, such as a divorce, you may be tempted to use social media as an outlet for your feelings and a way to vent....
Steps to a Michigan divorce
Any experienced divorce attorney in Michigan will attest to the proposition that no two divorces are identical. Each divorce has its own twists and turns as determined by the personalities of the spouses, their financial situation, whether they have minor children,...
What role does a child’s preference play in child custody?
For a child, their parents’ divorce can be a worrisome time as they prepare to adapt to the new situation. That might mean a different residence, a new school and adjusting to not seeing both parents as regularly as they once did. In some instances, the child can take...
Who keeps the pet in a Michigan divorce?
A divorce can significantly impact several aspects of the lives of the couple and their family. In addition to dividing up valuable assets and determining child custody arrangements, courts will have to determine what happens to the couple’s pet. While both spouses...